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Let’s be honest. Being a great leader ain’t easy. As in an effective, inspiring, well-respected leader for your company.

The good news is that we’ve compiled this list of awesome, actionable leadership tips that will have you running your business…like a boss — a good one. Some are relatively basic but are important reminders. Others, well, perhaps you’ve never considered before.

Consider these tips when upping your leadership game:

1. Lead by example.

Leaders need to show, not just tell. If you want your employees to be punctual, make sure you’re there on time — or even early. If professionalism is a priority, make sure you’re dressed for success, and treat everyone you interact with (both in-person and online) with courtesy. Set the tone and your employees will follow it.

2. A little humility goes a long way.

There’s a difference between a leader and a boss. While both are in charge, a leader shares the spotlight and is comfortable crediting others. While it might seem counter-intuitive, being humble takes more confidence than basking in glory. Your employees will appreciate it, and your clients will, too.

3. Communicate effectively.

Effective communication is imperative, both in the office and in life. Great leaders make sure they are heard and understood, but they also know the importance of listening. Communication is a two-way street, and making the most of it will have your company zooming forward instead of pumping the breaks.

4. Keep meetings productive.

As the saying goes, time is money. So, of course, you should want to limit tangents and other time wasters during meetings. If you trust your team to do their job, there should be no need for micromanaging, and meetings can run swiftly.

5. Know your limits.

Even the kindest, most caring leader has limits. Set your boundaries and stick to them. Knowing what you will not tolerate can save everyone in the office a lot of frustration, and keeping boundaries clear means there’s no confusion.


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