Laziness----I was once a candidate of laziness and idleness. I could do nothing but folding my hands waiting for manna to fall from heaven but all to no avail. This continued for some years until I was introduced to what is called "Success Bullets" some years back, and now I'm a happy successful man of my categories. To be successful in life, with no doubt has no single and must-to-do technique but calculated, organised, brilliant and rightly use of one's brain.
We are living in a competitive, violent and self first world where if care is not taken even the food on your table can be manipulated and eaten by those who are more violent than you are. Extortion, every day if you are not brave and wise enough is hunting to drain you of the little or abundance in your possession by the trick of those who have masterpieced their brain to succeed by all means.
READ: 5 AMAZING THINGS SUPER SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE ALWAYS DO It is obvious that even though you are not lazy but don't have this type of brain to stand the wave of this unceasing fight for success in this competitive world, undoubtedly you are still winning and dining with failure. However, Self-effort, organized effort, determination, decision and persistence are the keys to success, but application of wise brain can never be over-emphasized as it does not only garment you with greatness but also gives you the skill of management to handle that wealth judiciously. READ: 10 WAYS TO BECOME A MORE CONFIDENT PERSON What are the effects of laziness? Effects of laziness can be seen as how one is made negatively and failure for being lazy to compete with ever-calculating minded people in the competitive market or battle field for success. It can also be seen as how one's life's state is rated based on his condition. These are few but major effects of laziness: 1. It makes one to be poor. 2. It ruins one's future. 3. It makes one to be dependant. 4. It helps one to remain indoors.
READ: 5 AMAZING THINGS SUPER SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE ALWAYS DO It is obvious that even though you are not lazy but don't have this type of brain to stand the wave of this unceasing fight for success in this competitive world, undoubtedly you are still winning and dining with failure. However, Self-effort, organized effort, determination, decision and persistence are the keys to success, but application of wise brain can never be over-emphasized as it does not only garment you with greatness but also gives you the skill of management to handle that wealth judiciously. READ: 10 WAYS TO BECOME A MORE CONFIDENT PERSON What are the effects of laziness? Effects of laziness can be seen as how one is made negatively and failure for being lazy to compete with ever-calculating minded people in the competitive market or battle field for success. It can also be seen as how one's life's state is rated based on his condition. These are few but major effects of laziness: 1. It makes one to be poor. 2. It ruins one's future. 3. It makes one to be dependant. 4. It helps one to remain indoors.
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