With great joy, I felicitate with everyone who crosses over
to this new blissful amazing month of blessing, good fortune, great favour, undeniable
success and greatness. It’s so obvious that uncountable individuals who we were
together in one place or the other last month have traveled the path of the
death; they have gone to a land of see no more; but you and I, this very moment
are still alive. It calls for great appreciation to the creator of the whole universe.
Thanks be to God for this new month.
“Every new thing
signifies a change in a thing.” As we have entered new month, new things need
to enter you as an individual. A lot or certain changes need to take place in
your life, your business, your marriage, and your pursuits; in fact, in all
your endeavours for new or different results to be achieved.
As an individual, what are those things that need to be
changed in your life in order to see different result? What are the mistakes
you made last month that have caused your stagnation and limitation in life? What
are the new things you need to try out this new month? Where have you gone
wrong last month that you really want to correct this new month? These are the
questions every human being who really want to get to somewhere in life should
ask himself.
Now, having asked yourself all these questions, what is the
next step to take? Definitely, you have got nothing to do than to deeply look
inward and tell yourself that “If I don’t take care of my responsibility, no
one is willing or ready to do it for me.” Accept a responsibility is the key! Having
known this, you are 100% on your way to success, prosperity, greatness and
greater height in life. “The level of achievement or failure of a man begins
with his mindset.” This new month, what are you dreaming? What are you thinking
of? What are your plans for tomorrow?
My dear reader, I implore you to always
dream big, think positively and plan as if you will never die, but live as if
you will die today. The law of mental equivalence states that “Whatsoever a man
experiences in life is the mental equivalence of what creates in his mind.”
Therefore, what are the things you want to achieve this month? Dream it,
identify it, think it, feel it and actualize it by action. Note; not just
action, but organized and persistence action and effort.
As mentioned earlier, every new thing signifies a
change. This part of my new month
message goes to Nigeria, a nation that has black record in the face of success and
good news but A1 in bad news and in humanitarian massacre. I want to use this
opportunity to speak out my mind to Mr. President Buhari and all other Nigerian
top government officials. How I wish you are in the least of Nigerian’s shoes!
How I wish you all view Nigeria through the same lens I do use!! How I wish you
feel the pains of the less privileged Nigerian citizens!!! How I wish you taste
no food for a day like the suffering Nigerians!!!! How I wish you lost all your family members to
the insurgents, called Boko Haram in a day!!!!!
Where is the change we propagated during the election
campaign? Where are the changes you
promised Nigerians? Simultaneously, we have wasted the whole 100+ days seeing
no positive changes hit this nation. It’s absolutely substantial that we are
living in empty promises.
It is recorded that Nigeria lost almost $15b annually. It is
also recorded that Nigeria lost 99% of her citizens to cruel death every year
as a result of lack of sufficient security in the country. It is as well
recorded that 95% company here in Nigeria loss in their businesses as a result
of interrupted electricity in the country. This is absolutely unfair and
nothing to write home about of this country!
Instead to record good news and achievement of our great
Nigerians, we keep recording bad news every day. The following attacks and
violence that claimed almost half of Nigerians accrued as a result of poor
management of everything in the country. We lost:
In 2000, February 21-May 23, Kaduna riot between 1,000 and
5,000 people were killed in sectarian rioting between Christians and Muslims in
Kaduna following the introduction of Sharia Law into that state.
September 7–17 2001, nearly 1,000 people were killed
following sectarian rioting between Christians and Muslims in Jos.
November 20–23, 2002, around 250 were killed during rioting
by Muslims islamists across northern Nigeria as a response to an article deemed
February 4, 2004 78 Christians were massacred in Yelwa. May
2, roughly 630 Muslims were massacred in Yelwa as a reprisal attack from
November 28–29, 2008 381 people were killed in sectarian
rioting between Christians and Muslims in Jos.
July 26–29, 2009 nearly 1,000 people were killed in clashes
between Boko Haram militants and Nigerian soldiers throughout northern Nigeria,
beginning the Boko Haram Islamist Insurgency in Nigeria. July 30, spiritual
leader of Boko Haram, is summarily executed by Nigerian soldiers following the
recent uprising. Abubakar Shekau takes control of the group.
May 29, 2011 15 people were killed in Abuja and Bauchi after
bombs exploded in several towns in northern Nigeria during Goodluck Jonathan’s
swearing in as the new president. November 4, between 100 to 150 people were
killed in a series of coordinated assaults in northern Nigeria. December 22-23,
68 people, of whom are 50 militants, at least 7 soldiers, and 11 civilians, were
killed in clashes between Boko Haram militants and Nigerian soldiers in
Maiduguri and Damanturu. December 25, 41 people were killed by Boko Haram bomb
attacks and shootings on Christian churches.
During 2012, 792
people were killed as a result of the Boko Haram insurgency. Jan. 5-6, around
37 Christians were targeted and killed by Boko Haram militants. Jan. 20, 183
people, of whom at least 150 are civilians and 32 are police officers, were
killed in Kano State by Boko Haram gunmen. In April 8, same year 38 people were
killed following a bombing at a church in Kaduna State. June 17, 19 people were killed following bomb attacks against three
churches in Kaduna State.
In 2013, fatalities experienced
were at least 1,000-1,007. In 2014 January 14–30, too many to be counted people were killed in
a bombing by Boko Haram militants in Maiduguri, Borno State. Few days after
that, 138 others were killed.
In 2015, the killing keeps rising like never before.
January 9, refugees flee Nigeria's Borno
State following the Boko Haram massacre in the town of Baga. 7,300 flee to
neighbouring Chad while over 1,000 are trapped on the island of Kangala in Lake
Chad. Nigeria's army vows to recapture the town, while Niger and Chad withdraw
their forces from a transnational force tasked with combating militants. Till today,
no tangible result achieved from that but little which was not expected. It’s
very painful!
I think I should stop remembering the number of people
killed this year. As I am writing this, my face is full of tears. My mouth is
heavy. My hands are shivering. Remembering all these losses will amount to
another thing entirely; therefore, I don’t want to mention too much of this
year 2015 casualties and merciless killing any more, but all we want is
My dear Country Nigeria let the change begin to manifest.
Let’s stop killing the innocent people.
On behalf of all Nigerians, I want to use this medium to
let you, Mr. President know that even if no one talks to you about how bad we
are feeling concerning the situation of this country, know it that both the human
and nature are not happy with your administration. It is not yet late for this
change to take its place. Let the change take place now. We need adequate
security measure in the country. We need marathon and uninterrupted electricity
in the country. We need equal measure in the governmental administration for
both male and female Nigerians. We want
our women to be well represented in the government offices. We want more
employment opportunities in the country.
My point is that if all these needs are met, this country
Nigeria will not only favour the suffering citizens but become the best country
in the world. If there is no more killing, we will have more investors from all
over the world to invest in our indigenous businesses. If there is adequate
security measure and uninterrupted power supply, investors will surely flooding
here. Our economy will surely boost if all these are provided.
My dear reader, kindly rebroadcast this message throughout the
entire internet so that it can get to the right person that will make this
“POSITIVE CHANGE” come to past. SHARE it with all your friends on facebook,
twitter, stumbleupon, google+, and all over social media for positive result to
be achieved.
Yours sincerely,
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It's my please to hear that. You can say that again.
It's God's will. I promise to deliver as promised.
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