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The 14-year-old ESE Oruru who was abducted by one Mr Yinusa from her mother’s shop in Delta state around August, 2015 has been confirmed 5 months pregnant.

ESE Oruru was kidnapped from Delta to Kano state. She was forced to change her religion of which as a teenager she succumbed, and was converted from Christian to Muslim. She was forcefully married by her abductor, Yinusa.

Due to this diabolical act, coupled with the latest development of Ese’s pregnancy, the media and some government bodies have raised a strong case against the abductor, Yinusa to be prosecuted and face the Justice.

According to Nigerian tribune newspaper, ESE Oruru is now 6 months pregnant; but from our finding and information gathered, Frayokit News learnt that the poor girl is now 5 months pregnant.

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