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Dear Temilolu,
I enjoy reading your column. I live in a rural area in Ogun State and saddened with the rate of teenage pregnancies. To worsen matters, most of these girls come from very poor homes and lack self-esteem. They believe being in a relationship at an early age would complement them but they are impregnated by miscreants and the cycle of poverty continues. I speak to some of them and discourage them from their backward mentality but they feel I want to date them. I hope girls/ladies in Nigeria can discover themselves and stop thinking only men can complement them. No man wants to marry a liability. Keep up the
good work.
Segun Michael
Dear Aunty Temilolu,


I am a girl of 15. My grandfather slept with me at the age of seven and my uncle did same when I was 12 years old. What should I do because whenever I see them, I am always very sad. I need your help please!
 My darling, precious, glorious, dignified, world-famous and heavenly celebrated Nigerian sisters,
A lot of damage is going on in the life of the average Nigerian girl which would catch up with her in the future and make her life most unenjoyable if drastic measures are not taken in the nick of time. It is most disheartening that a mere child would be defiled by her own grandfather and later her uncle-a most despicable, inhuman act and a serious spiritual matter. This poor child has experienced incest and I am afraid if she didn’t report the matter to any adult at that time and went through a series of deliverance, then her life is likely to be in serious danger with devastating consequences awaiting her in future. This is because biblically, incestuous relationships carry curses which can alter the course of one’s destiny. I am quite sure, in her ancestry, there must be a curse attached to incest. No doubt, her grandfather and uncle’s act has opened up her life to demonic invasion and she may have to deal with a lot of ill-luck, disfavour, stagnation, inherited curses and bad spirits trailing her grandfather and uncle already waging war against her destiny. In fact, believe it or not, right now she must be satanically bombarded and she probably doesn’t know. I tell you even if she has given her life to Christ and “old things have passed away,” if she doesn’t go for a series of deliverance to get rid of the fatal effects of incest, may she not wake up some day in future and commit suicide! Yes, it’s that bad. I know a lot of you have secretly suffered such and I advise you run as fast as your legs can carry you and free yourself from the doom that may be lurking around waiting for you in future. Who knows? You may have been suffering the dire consequences. This is a very serious matter and not one to be taken lightly. Thank God, He is merciful and has the final say over our destinies. It’s up to you all to acquaint yourself with Him and get Him firmly on your side so He can help you.
My sweet anonymous,
I hope you confide in a responsible and trusted family member/adult as soon as possible so you can take the right steps to deliverance. I imagine how terrible you feel when you see those two paedophiles but you just have to brace up and get over the experience though you have to be strong-willed.
Oprah Winfrey-billionaire T.V.mogul, one time most influential woman in the world and the greatest black philanthropist in American history, was molested by her cousin, uncle and a family friend starting from when she was nine and impregnated at 14. Joyce Meyer, a minister of God who has one of the largest ministries in history was continuously sexually-abused by her father from childhood till she left home at 18, yet they are two of planet earth’s most influential women today. Though one must bear in mind that they are in a more enabling environment where they could heal and pursue their lofty dreams than our environment here. But with God, all things are possible. You can get over this as fast as you want provided you can fight for your destiny first by going through the deliverance sessions which if properly done, would ignite your spirit man with the fire of God and help you discover all God has destined you become in life. Then you can pursue your beautiful destiny. I’m really sorry about your predicament my dearest and can’t help but wonder where your mother is or a mother-figure if she already passed on. No child deserves to go through this sort of horror. I pray God carries you from this doldrums, heals your aching heart and cleanses you from every known and unknown evil. Please be constantly in touch. Girls Club was created to care for you and nurture you as much as possible. May God bless you my love!
To be continued.

I invite you to be my friend on facebook –TEMILOLU OKEOWO (not Temilolu okeowo girls club).
Scam Alert: Temilolu okeowo girls club is a fake facebook account. Please do not like it or reply anybody seeking for financial help through any page using my name. Thank you!
Are you still engaging in pre-marital sex? Each act devalues you! Your wonders are waiting to start. God is waiting for you to become a Secondary virgin! You are most welcome on board the chastity campaign train and Girls Club is open for all girls and ladies. Please text your name, age, school or occupation and State of domicile to 07086620576.
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