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The capacity to do work and produce useful results is a function of the ability of a person to utilize the gifts and resources at his disposal within a defined period of time.
The purpose of embarking on any task or assignment is to produce results and achieve the set goals and objectives. This is what justifies the relevance of a person at his work place. However to maintain RELEVANCE at your work place a set of values must be imbibed and embraced. These include the following:

1. R- Responsibility: Accept responsibility by making a choice to carry out any task assigned to you without declining or rejecting the offer. Responsibilities are stepwise platforms needed for elevation and greatness.

2. E- Effectiveness: Effectiveness is a measure of one’s ability to produce useful results at the end of any task being performed. You must be effective in carrying out tasks for your effectiveness is an expression of the level of achievement made in task performance.

3. L- Loyalty:  Loyalty is a demonstration of absolute allegiance to your boss, co-workers and the organization where you work. Your allegiance is an expression of your commitment and dedication to your employer whose interests you must always protect and defend at all times. It further authenticates your level of reliability and dependability at your work place.

4. E- Exceptional: To be exceptional is to exhibit qualities that are unique and carry out tasks in a different way by adopting a unique approach. This requires the application of your creativity and uniqueness in every task performed.  It is your uniqueness and creativity that makes you stand out from the crowd in every undertaking or assignment.

5. V- Vastness: Knowing something about every area of life is what makes an individual vast and versatile in the issues of life. This comes as a result of intense study and constant research.  In every work environment, knowledge and experience is never limited to the job description or responsibility. This is due to the dynamic nature of the work place which is a function of time, events, technology and people who come on board at different times. Your ability to be open to knowledge, information and ideas is what enhances your problem solving skills and empowers you to tackle any challenge at any particular time.

6. A- Agility: Agility is the ability to move and do things quickly within a specific time. This is exemplified by the speed at which tasks are being accomplished. This attribute is essential when several tasks are expected to be performed at definite times. Your ability to complete these tasks in speedy manner at a given time makes you relevant in the scheme of events.

7. N- Neatness: There is a popular saying that “The way you are dressed is the way you will be addressed”. This applies to any environment be it spiritual, intellectual or social. Your appearance makes either a positive or negative impression on your boss, colleagues or even a client at a given time. In most situations the first impression you make anchors on how you appear. This includes your dressing, manner of approach and personality. The combination of these factors is what gives you confidence in any work environment and before people.

8. C- Creativity: Creativity is the ability to do new things in new ways through the application of new ideas. It is also the capacity to bring into existence an innovation or a discovery to a work place for the purpose of simplifying the process of achieving a task. The ability to be creative is a function of the capacity to think and reason properly. A creative person will always add color and beauty to what he does. This is what makes a staff to be unique and stand out from the crowd.

E- Environment: The work environment provides a place or haven for the staff to function and operate. For a person to succeed and excel above others there is need for him to understand the nature of the work environment and familiarize himself with the culture, ethics and codes of conduct. This will enable him to perform well while maintaining the standard expected from him at the work place. The work ethics includes adherence to office rules, keeping to time, respect for others and compliance to operational standards.

Your success at work is what determines your worth in your work place. This can only be made possible when one’s attitude to work is changed by adopting values and virtues that are capable of shaping one’s approach to work thereby molding the destiny of the individual concerned.

By Stanley Chijioke Apugo

Phone: 08037414138



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