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Obviously, my view on African youths basically, their working and earning status can never be overemphasized.
Many people in Africa, especially in Nigeria today are wasting thinking they are working. It is said the country is too bad compared to other advanced countries like London, UK and USA in terms of economic equity and its citizens’ salary volume.

Because of this mentality, people who are very blessed with natural ability and brain to be self-employed and create more job for others have woefully failed by joining the sounding beat.
Back in the days, we heard about slave trade that have made our great forefathers men of no choice; men of no taste, men of no self-confidence, men of no self-sufficient, men of no self-defense, men of no self-help, so on and so Forth.
However, I want to quickly ask a question before proceeding. In our days; today are we still under the influence of the same slave trade? If I may answer this question for some men of indecisive character and nonchalant attitude, I boldly and confidently say yes, they are.
Nowadays, the system of slave trade using in Africa, especially Nigeria have been modernized and packaged to extent that people willingly get themselves enrolled. Chinese company has been the major slavery organization in most African countries, where our youths are been heaped in an oven drying their blood thinking they are working.
For how long are you going to be slaves to foreigners? When are you going to wake up from your slumbering? Wake up! It’s high time you say no to this modernized slave trade!
Come to the money aspect of this modernized slave trade, how much these foreigners are paying these our youths? Peanuts! Imagine a big blow to our faces, we the indigenous citizens!!
Night is meant to sleep. while others are sleeping in their comfortable houses, slaves to Chinese are busy frozen in oven. Saturdays and Sundays are meant to rest; but being a slave to Chinese company you can never have that privilege.
What can seven hundred naira (N700) do to an averaged man who has responsibilities on his shoulder? The highest they can pay would never exceed between N700 and N800 per day. What a wasting years!
Back to my question, I, personally will never concord with those who will say yes, we are still under the influence of same slave trade.
It is a well know fact that you are the product of your thought. That is why, the law of mental equivalent states that whatever you experience in your life is the mental equivalent of what creates in your mind. If you keep seeing yourself working for people from years to years, you must definitely keep working for them; but if you keep seeing yourself become your own boss, you must definitely be independent.
If you keep saying to yourself “I can’t make it” undoubtedly you will never make it.
It is not yet late for you to decide if you are to stop being a slave to people or to continue until it is all late!
That work you engage in is not your work. You are just wasting not working!!
Procrastination is deadly in the aboard of success. Never procrastinate; make a move today. Change your position; change that work for God sake! Never be stagnant and limited, for these are recipes for going nowhere in life.


There is always this problem with our female youths who choose to be slaves to the modernized slave-organizations (Chinese Companies) set up here in our countries. They (our female youths) are nothing but just an inmates in these foreigners’ dungeon. Prisoners are meant to remain indoor, endure all sorts of uncertainties, difficulties, suffering, hardships and serve government for the rest of imprisonment days ruled. As long as they remain being inmates, they cannot tell of what is happening out there; neither do they feel the beauty of nature flowing like dew.
Under normal circumstance; all women Suppose get married at the age of twenty to twenty five years. But, here in Nigeria, one can see a woman of forty years without a husband. If you really want to confirm or question my reality, kindly make your finding down to all these Chinese companies; I bet you definitely you must be wanting to deny this country and its government that closes her eyes against these our female youths who are wasting in the hands of foreigners.
How can they see a man who will say, “Hi babe, can I have a word with you? I must confess, you are too beautiful” while their system of work is nothing to write home about, but of abnormal and absurdity. The reason they always remain in that perpetual spinster attire is because no man is seeing them. It’s not that they are not beautiful. It’s not that they aren’t going to make good mothers. But the fact remains that they are in prison. When others are coming back from offices is when they would be going to Chinese company. How do you think man can see their beauties to admire?
Base on my research, I can boldly say, they are more than enough! If you go to some of these Chinese companies, among are Newbisco, Expression, AMingo, Wahum and many others; you must definitely say, “God, have mercy on these spinsters”.
If you are a Muslim or a Christian, in your house of prayer kindly try to figure out this fact. Mostly, in churches they have special prayer session for people who are looking for husband. This time, pastor would say, those of you who are looking for husband should come out for special prayer that God is going to give someone husband today. In fact, you can’t imagine the troop in which they would come out.
This is a clue to concord to my fact. After the prayer session, try to meet any one of those spinsters and find out where she is working. You wouldn’t be surprised to be told that she is working in one of Chinese companies.
My dear women, it’s high time you say no to slavery. You’ve been enslaved. You’ve been denied of your husband. Take a bold step to put a Stop to it, today. You are just wasting! Enough is enough for the wise! Change that work; it’s quite obvious that you are at the wrong place.

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