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It is my pleasure to share with you the zenith fundamental reasons every one just like me, should be very much eager and glad to take a lead in every walks of life without any grudges and personal selfish interest.

Meanwhile, what is leadership? Leadership as the name implies can be defined as an act or action of leading a group of people, an organization, or the ability to do this. In other words, base on natural law and conventional wisdom so to say, it can be seen as the act of leading others to deliberately create a result that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.
But personally, I have my inbuilt dictionary (inside of me) that always defines whatsoever that could be defined contrary to the original definition in my own way; but the good news is that if the principle follows my definition is applied; the same result is always achieved. The insinuation here is that, leadership is beyond all those foregoing definitions. Leadership, base on my paradigm is not only just when one is leading a group of people or an organization, but it begins with our immediate self. What do I mean? Apart from leading a group of people or an organization, in one’s daily lifestyle leadership comes to play.
Therefore, I define leadership from my inbuilt dictionary as the way or act in which one lives his or her life that could lead to success or failure of others. It could be through one’s talk, behaviors, character, advice, and generally, the way he lives life. Everyone is a leader! A leader is neither mean when one is being appointed as a priest, pope, bishop, president, governor, minister, senate nor the head of any organization; but he who leads others through his lifestyle to unquantifiable success and dream goals.
Take for instance; undoubtedly you will agree with me that our parents are the leaders in the house. Isn’t it? Having known that, you will also agree with me that it’s abnormal for any parent who earns his living by stealing, corruption and uncovers it to his children. Keep in mind; it’s obvious that they will never do without stealing because it must surely take root in their bloodstream when they have grown up. Likewise every other person who involves in taking bribes and perverting justice in their immediate ambience directly or indirectly inject the same spirit into the people around them.
It is a well known fact that if we do not have the right spirit of leadership right from our immediate home, undoubtedly, we cannot lead others if we are offered great opportunity in the world. Today, you can see our economy crumbles, religious crisis, bombing here and there, knapping of innocent children, and in fact the country is falling day by day without any good leader to end the evil out breaking. Come to think of it, the losses are usually unquantifiable, and the lamentations are endless. Without being told, you will agree with me that we do not have any good leader at the moment; rather, bad leaders and governance. When Israelites lost confidence in Samuel’s sons and rejected them as judges, they came to Samuel at Ramah, demanding a king. This was the beginning of the introduction of kingship in the nation of Israel. And Samuel gave them Saul. (1Samuel 8:1-6). Therefore, dear reader, you can be a good leader to lead this country to her expectations if only we can change our attitudes and live by biblical injunctions to the core. Everyone is a leader!
what does it required to be a good leader?
1. A good leader must not be greedy or covetous. (1 kings 21:1-29)
2. A good leader must be very tolerant.
3. A good leader must be patriotic.
4. A good leader must be fearless and courageous. (1 kings 18:1-40)
5. A good leader must have the ability to motivate others.
6. A good leader must be diplomatic and nationalistic. (Galatians 6:2)
7. A good leader must always have vision for his country. (Thess. 4:11-12)
8. Definiteness of decision. A good leader doesn’t waver in his decision. (Judges 4:9)
9. A good leader must be a right model for his people. (1 kings 22:43)
10. And finally, self-control. A leader who cannot control himself cannot control others (Gen. 39:8-10)
Brethren, I want to believe that you have known if anyone can change this country for a better place he must first change himself. He must not do without the foregoing qualities. I want to quickly introduce you to the ever great leaders of our expectation. These are the four leaders you and I can emulate if we are to lead this country to her expectations: Joseph as a great leader (Genesis 37:1-28; 41:1-57; 45:1-15). Moses as a great leader (Exodus 1, 2, 3, 4:1-17; Number 13:1-13; 14:1-19). Joshua as a leader (Number 13:16-33 ;). And Deborah as a leader (judges 4:1-24). Deborah has made me to enjoin every woman that it is not only men can lead, you too can lead. She was a facilitator and very pragmatic. Everyone is a leader!
Above all, I charge you all to be leadership conscious. Take a step of leadership right from your immediate home. Change yourself first if you are aiming at changing this country for a better place to live. Everyone is a leader! Note that a leader is genius and inspiration to others. But our perspiration is 90% of our success; leader is a servant, serve today to be served tomorrow. It begins with you! Thank you all.
(A motivational writer)
08083720023; 08115982052.

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