Written by Stanley Chijioke Apugo
Leadership is the act of influencing and impacting positively the lives of those entrusted in one’s care in order to help them fulfill their purpose and destiny. Leadership is about influence and impact and it is anchored on character. For a leader to influence the destiny of his followers while driving the vision of the organization, government or nation, certain values and characteristics must be exhibited. They are summed up as the Ten (10) qualities of a leader for organizational success.
Curiosity: Curiosity is the ability of the leader to make enquires about diverse issues in order to proffer solutions to challenges. The leader should have an intuitive and inquisitive mindset aimed at solving problems and proffering solutions. He must be a problem solver with an analytical mind. This makes his followers to look up to him for answers and solutions at all times.
Creativity: Creativity is the ability of an individual to make out something out of nothing or to come up with ideas needed for doing new things. Creativity makes a leader to do things differently at any given time. A creative leader will always have a unique approach and pattern for performing tasks, achieving goals, supervising activities or delegating responsibilities.
Communication: Communication is the backbone of any relationship which anchors on mutual understanding, teamwork and respect. Communication entails speaking, understanding and listening. In most cases 2 or more persons are involved with a flow of information. Communication can be done in 3 levels. Upward, horizontal and downward. Upward is speaking with a superior, horizontal is with a colleague while downward is with a subordinate. Communication can be in written or verbal form. No matter the way in which communication is viewed, a leader must pass the right information with clarity and openness at the right time to the right person(s) concerned to achieve the right purpose.
Character: Character is the sum total of a person’s habits and behavior. Character is an expression of the values and beliefs of an individual. It also shapes the personality and shows the uniqueness of a person. A leader is best known and respected by his character. It is the depth of character that determines the level of impact and influence that will be made by the leader.
Conviction: Conviction is the expression of a person’s persuasion and belief that the decisions made and the path followed are right. A leader must have a strong conviction to make his followers believe in him and trust his decisions. His ability to influence them through decision making is also a function of his conviction in what he does and the steps he takes.
Charisma: Charisma is the magnetic appeal and attraction a person commands among people. A leader’s charisma is rooted in his personality, character and sense of humor. A charismatic leader will always command the attention and attraction of those he leads. In most cases he is generally loved, respected and accepted. This attribute is essential for the leader to influence and inspire his followers.
Competence: Competence is a reflection of the capacity of a person to carry out responsibilities and discharge duties effectively as result of knowledge acquired and experience obtained. A leader must be competent and well equipped to discharge his duties and responsibilities at all times. The performance of tasks, delegation of duties, supervision of activities, proffering of solutions, mentoring of people and management of resources are all functions of the competence a leader.
Common sense: It is popularly said that “common sense is common but not common to everyone”. Common sense wisdom is the most accessible level of wisdom yet it is not always expressed in leadership. A leader needs common sense in some situations when making decisions. Commonsense is just simply applying wisdom in issues that require a simple level of reasoning in making decisions, formulating policies or passing judgement. Most challenges are better tackled when a leader applies a simple approach with some intuition to common life problems. This attribute is needed in making sound judgement and decisions in any organization.
Confidence: Confidence is the inward assurance in the ability, potential and talent of an individual at any time. Confidence is the attribute that makes the leader to take bold steps and make tough decisions in the face of challenges and controversies. It comes from the heart and expressed in words and actions. A leader needs confidence to take the people under his care to their desired destination. The vision and passion of the leader all anchors on his confidence which will ultimately inspire and motivate his followers to tread on the same path.
Compassion: Compassion is the ability to show and exhibit care and concern for others. A leader with a heart is always a leader with compassion. Compassion makes a leader relate with others personally rather than officially. When a leader identifies with the specific needs and issues affecting others he is viewed as playing a fatherly or motherly role to those he leads. A leader can make this point by showing interest in specific areas of challenges such as health, finances, family and academics.
The relevance of a leader is always reflected on the impact and influence made on the people being led. For a leader to make positive impact through decision making and management of people, he must possess the right qualities and attributes that can attract people to him and consequently make the desired impact. Leadership is a responsibility that requires skill, competence and expertise. The ability to manage people effectively while meeting the organizational goals and target is a function of the concept of influence and impact which all depends on having the right qualities. These qualities and many others are necessary for success in any organization.
By Stanley Chijioke Apugo
Phone: 08037414138
Email: stanleyapugo@yahoo.com

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