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A goal is a pre-determined outcome set at the beginning of an activity or program intended for accomplishment at the end of the activity or program in the course of pursuing a vision. Goals are integrated parts of a plan which promotes the fulfilment of a purpose.

They are incremental measures of ultimate progress which are used to assess one’s level of progress. Goals protect leaders from undue influence and distractions from other people by enhancing the level of focus and determination when an activity is embarked upon.

 Every true leader must be a goal setter and a goal getter. The ability to set and achieve goals is a function of the capacity of the leader to envision, plan and strategize while harnessing the potentials of his subordinates. This explains why true leaders are always zealous and jealous of their goals because goals represent their life.

Principles of Goal-setting:

Goals must be defined: 

The goal in mind must not be ambiguous but clearly defined. This will enable anyone who reads it to have a good understanding for focus and planning to be achieved.

Goals must be simplified: 

Goals must not be complex and complicated. The ultimate purpose of setting a goal is to accomplish it in line with the core vision of the organization. This must be the driving force and this can be made possible when the goal is made simple with clear meaning.

Goals must be written:

A written goal is better achieved than a wished goal. When a goal is written it gets the goal setter committed to it. This is evident to the fact that it enables the goal setter to recall what is written and further makes him committed to achieving the goal.

Goals must be visual:

A goal must be something that can be visualized upon reading it. A goal is easier understood if it can be visualized. This is made possible by images created in the mind of the reader or goal setter. This images will always remain in the mind in the course of pursuing the goal.

Goals must relate to the ultimate purpose:

Goals are not the ultimate purpose but are rather expected outcomes while pursuing the ultimate purpose or vision. The consistent accomplishment of a series of set goals ultimately leads to the achievement of the organizational vision.

Goals must be measurable
Goals must be measurable with respect to time and resources. When goals are measured it enables the organization to monitor the progress of its performance and quality of its delivery. This can be done using 3 criteria, which are content, quality and delivery.

Goals must be flexible:

Goals must not be rigid or completely fixed because change is a constant process and life itself is dynamic. In the course of pursuing one’s goals, situations often arise which may affect the goal. In such cases the goal can be altered but not the vision or purpose. This helps to accommodate for such changes while still keeping the eye on the vision.

Goals must be achievable:

It is not enough to set goals but to achieve them. When a goal is set without being achieved it creates a vacuum in the plan. Goals gives structure to a plan because when a goal is set it leads to planning. Setting goals and embarking on a plan without achieving those goals can also be frustrating. When goals are achieved it gradually propels the goal setter or the organization   towards the fulfilment of the ultimate purpose.

Goals must be time-bound:

There must be a set time for every goal to be accomplished and this should be stipulated from the onset before embarking on the plan to achieve the goal or set goals. The act of setting and pursuing goals within a defined period of time creates discipline, focus, passion, determination and diligence in the organization. These are all needed for the organizational progress and success.

Goals must be impact related:

A major reason for setting goals besides achieving them is to make relevant impact in the lives of others. This is also an essential way of assessing and measuring the progress of the organization. When set goals are intended towards making positive impact in the lives of the target beneficiaries,
it enhances the image and boosts the profile of the organization.

Benefits of Goal-setting:

1. Goals change with our life patterns and desires. When our goals change our lives change also. Therefore, we must protect our goals from undue influence, distractions and external interference.

2. Goals are needed to keep oneself on the right track all times because the more successful you are, the more people and activities compete for your time and attention.

3. Goals make us safe so we can be protected from negative tendencies and influences. The more goals we set the more we drift from the realm of mediocrity to discipline and excellence.

 4. Goals distinguishes leaders from followers.  A true leader who desires to initiate change and transform lives must be a goal setter. Goals keeps leaders focused on their plans regardless of the odds and obstacles.  The goals set by the leader is a determinant factor to the kind of followers who will be on board with him.

5. Goals separate dreamers from achievers. Goals keeps one focused on the end result of the program or activity. This implies that when a goal is set it enables one to envisage what is to be accomplished at the end of the program or activity. Achievers will always have goals to keep them on the right path while dreamers will never set goals but rather fantasize on the goals.

6. Goal setting is an act of discipline. It helps one to conform to certain standards or guidelines in order to checkmate negative attitudes and behaviors capable of undermining the expected target while on the path to the fulfilment of destiny.

7. Goals give structure and specifics to plan. Goals are expected outcomes which are set while on the pursuit of vision. The set goals give meaning and structure to a plan. They make the planner to have something to look forward to. Plans without goals is like running a race without envisaging winning a medal or a prize.

 8. Goals protect us from procrastination. Procrastination is a thief of time. It enhances continuous postponement of programs and further disrupts plans. When goals are set, the goal setter is become passionate and enthusiastic about what lies ahead.  This enables the goal setter to pursue his goals relentlessly without any room for procrastination.

Goals are vital for both personal and organizational success. They enable leaders to be focused and disciplined. Any organization which seeks to succeed must have set goals at every point in time. Every leader must set goals which must have the above mentioned characteristics for the organization or nation to make progress and achieve the desired purpose. Leaders must state their goals, focus on their goals, believe in their goals, communicate their goals, stick to their goals and transfer their goals to ensure the overall progress and development of the organization.

By Stanley Chijioke Apugo

Phone: 08037414138



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