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It takes discipline and sacrifices: from the research I carried out for over one and half year revealed that 99% of every good fortune of all rich men and women takes its stand as a result of their discipline and sacrifices in all their endeavours. To be successful in life takes many ways but most significantly, discipline and sacrifices add
unimaginable recipes which undeniably speed up and consolidate one's level of wealth, greatness and progress.

How do you discipline yourself to be successful in life?

1. Form a habit of first thing first: The principle of first thing first states that the earlier and right time the most important matter is done the better the outcome and stability of success achieved.

We were told in the holy scripture, precisely in the gospel of Matthew 6:33that, "Seek ye the kingdom of God first and every other thing shall be added unto you." This, literally says that if truly you must seek for anything on earth, it's better and evident that God will definitely give you all things if we see him as the giver of all things; if we set him as our first priority in life; and finally if we only believe and trust in him that there is nowhere to get any good thing in life except from him (God) alone.

Discipline comes to play here when you are really urging or compelling by the powerful invisible force to succumb to any seemingly urgent matter or pleasant case but not actually important or cause no harm to one's life, future if it's not done. When you are confronting with such cases, the first thing you should do is to ask yourself if that very thing the invisible force is alarming you to do is really important or should be the first thing to carry out at that particular point in time. When you have figured out how important or trivia the matter at hand is, then you know which one to aggressively tackle first. And the one you must carry out should be those if they are not done, it has a potential to cause harm to your future, probably directly to your life.

For instance; you are a sport lover. You don't miss any EPL Match, Or premier league. And a day comes when you are to go and watch a March between Chelsea and Switzerland; it happens you just received a call from Mr President to come for a contract of N200 million naira. If I may ask you, which one will you forgone for other? Will you abandon the contract and go for the Match? Or abandon the Match and go for the contract? Here comes when you have to make sacrifice and discipline yourself. If you really want to be enrolled in the list of the successful, this is when you must make sacrifice of your time and discipline yourself, starve yourself of the pleasure, entertainment and amusement you will gain from watching the Match in order not for the N200M to miss your bank account.

My dear reader, I simply implore you to always think deep and fast before you do anything, especially matter relating to your future. Don't just do things simply because you want it to be done or for the sake of satisfying your immediate feeling. Do it simply because you need it; simply because it's very important than every other seemingly arising want, feeling, pleasure and amusement. Note: there is a big difference between want and need. In the race for success, greatness and wealth, we don't do things because we want it, we do things because we need it.

2. Always be time conscious: It is no doubt, time is money. If you are from Africa reading this piece now, I will advice that you eliminate the African mentality "African Time," but if you are from other continent, you are lucky enough because it has ruined some people's glory. It has made many people a failure. It has caused many people's success elusively downright.

Punctuality is the key to gain value, promotion and ever-blazing recommendation from your boss and any organization.

Keeping to time is highly recommended and important. Obviously, any one that plays with time plays with his future. For one to be great in anything, he must always be time conscious. He must not fail priority time set specially for greater result. If you have an appointment, for instance by 12PM with your business associates, you have to be there at least 30minutes time before the hour.

Why do you have to be there before the time? What is the important and benefit of being there before the actual business time?

1. It helps you to compose yourself very well for business ahead.
2. It helps you to digest and review your business plan and ideas to be discussed.
3. It helps you to avoid mistakes of being under the influence of hurry and lateness.
4. It prepares you to gain more courage and confidence for the meeting ahead.
5. It adds value to your punctuality personality before your boss, business associates and organization in terms of recommendation and first in thought consideration.

Finally, don't trivialize an important thing; calls for business negotiations, job interview, skills and management training trips awarded by your organization and most significantly, your future for immediate and morning pleasures as that will do you no good but, completely ruin your future. It is not easy to leave our old habit. It takes determination and grace of God to do away with our old habits. Those things which take most of your time in life, but contribute no positive impact to your progress should totally be cut off. It is true some people are on internet 24/7, but what actually are they really doing? They do nothing than watching porn movies, chatting with unknown persons and wasting the precious time on triviality. Invest your time judiciously and the results in the nearest future will testify you have done a great thing to your life.

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